It appears that I am able to view more categories in Facebook Insights then I recall seeing before on our Facebook page: Bantle Avocado Ranch. We have 145 likes/followers now too. I don't remember "People" being an option before. This is really cool because I can now see whether they are male, female, their ages, where they are and languages spoken. I can see my fans, followers and people I reached. Women are our major customer ages 18-64, but we do have some men too. The activity on the page has increased as well. This inspires me to become more involved in posting more creative ads and content.
Learning the various social media platforms has been a real eye opener. I thought Facebook, Instagram, You Tube and Twitter were all good for our business and creating newsletters are an invaluable tool to create and increase sales, but learning to blog was also a very useful tool I am planning to expand on. In researching all of our competitors, I got to see what they are or aren't doing. There were a few companies that are very active in posting regularly and I learned from them and will grow from that. I liked some of their visuals on their websites and I will incorporate similar offerings. Offering seasonal ads as well as sales is a good idea especially in the gift giving season going on now. Farming is such a day to day business and things change rapidly so I'm going to start blogging more in addition to Facebook and Instagram about what we do to try and convey honesty, hard work, quality and value in what we produce. I will plan on spe...
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