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Week 13 Part 1 Online Advertising: Analysis of the Marketplace

In researching similar businesses, I found more than 5 Avocado sales companies that sell direct. I was able to find more by looking on the California Avocado Commission's website. The Google search engine has not been efficient for me in my searching. Some of the advertising I found is effective, but some isn't, because they are not consistent with their type of content or their frequency of ads.

"Mraz Family Farms" has somewhat annoying ads. For example, they used a video that showed a man's hand cutting open a reed avocado and putting it on toast with Trader Joe's Everything seasoning, but they never show you who the guy is and when the owner of the company is a celebrity, he should show his face in my opinion,  so I felt a bit let down at the end of the video. It was effective though in that it left me wanting to eat that avocado toast and maybe it would cause the viewer to buy some.

Avoganic is another example of ineffective ads. Because the California Avocado season ended in August, they stopped running ads and stopped posting to all top 3 platforms. The farming work doesn't stop so why should the social involvement end? I think they should continue to communicate what's going on in the grove.

"California Avocados Direct" doesn't do social media, they used to but stopped 3 years ago so they are way ineffective.

"Avocado to you" is another mail order company. They are in New Zealand. They post often, but much is unnecessary duplicate information. The imagery is good though. They do not use Twitter.

"2BGreen Farms is only on Facebook. They have good ads though.

Avocados Monthly doesn't do any social media, but has nice offerings on their website. I liked the idea of a monthly subscription and a Christmas fruit box. I'm finding that a few companies lump in their shipping and say it's free. Something for us to consider. They are signed up on Twitter and Instagram but have never posted a thing. I don't understand how they sell any, they do have some testimonials on the website.

Advertising done on social media is critical in our market even if we were to sell at a farmers market because currently we rely on a wholesale distributor where a few hands are in on the pot. The Hass Avocado Board, the California Avocado Commission. the pickers, they all get a piece of the pie. We'd like to keep that pie all to ourselves if we could.

I liked how some of the Facebook pages had a pop up that asked you to sign up on their page to get a newsletter right away. The calls to action were to sign up and order a monthly subscription or buy now and get a 15% discount. The imagery used was pictures of fruit, recipes, logo's.


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