I have often thought about blogging for the family avocado business. There's so much passionate work that has to be done to keep the grove going and fruit producing and if I can show the reader some of what goes into growing our amazing, award winning healthy avocados, I think they would gain a better appreciation for them and it might inspire them to buy some. By describing some of the many obstacles besides our crazy mother nature, that we have to endure such as manual labor, bees obsconding, labor shortages, water costs, electricity hikes, soil samples, tree leaf analysis, trying to go organic, refusing to use pesticides and herbicides, creating our own moisture sensors for the soil, our wireless irrigation system we spent 2 years creating and what it takes to grow a delicious California Hass avocado, then they can get an understanding of why they are more expensive than the typical watery, stringy, rotten imported avocados they find in the store for 75 cents a piece or less. ...
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